Lycka 14

Tekniska saker kan vara fullständigt underbara
och de gör mig verkligen lyckliga.

Nesexpresso har gjort en kaffemaskin med kapslar
och gudomligt kaffe. Det gör mig lycklig.

Det finns en dammsugare som sköter dammsugningen själv,
det är ju helt fantastiskt. Man kastar in den i ett rum
och den går runt av sig själv till den är klar och så
är jobbet gjort. Bra med tid till annat.

För att inte tala om de apparater som vi använder
dagligen, TV, dator och mobiler.
Efter att varit tillsammans med apple och Iphone
nu i ett år, drömmer jag om en MacAir och naturligtvis
en Ipad.

Vet att jag inte idag skulle kunna klara mig utan
någon av dessa saker och de skapar både ett
beroende och en lyckokänsla.

Postat av: Duncan

Now we are talking!!

Toys for the boys!! (and girls)

Of all of the things I would struggle without, its my MacBook.

That is not to say I cannot live without it, but it is my entertainment centre, my life-organiser (with my iPhone) and also my method of communicating with my loved ones and friends.

During the summer I teach in a summer school, just outside London.

I was employed as a computer teacher, and I had a lot of confidence in my abilities to be able to make the classes fun and interesting.

But, the lessons I had planned for a week, took only three or four days for children aged 14-18!

It gave me an insight to how much we have advanced since the exciting days when the first PCs came out, and I was a very excited 14 year old in an electronics store, holding the manager to ransom, because I had put his computer into a place that I could only get it out of, in exchange for a Saturday job!

Now, kids dont need to know the basics behind the computer system like my age group did, they can just "do stuff"

In two months time, I return to summer school, but this time, not as a computer teacher, but as a teacher of media studies, and specifically making movies.

Now, I have no confidence in my knowledge, as I know nothing about making movies on land - and I cant see teaching 40 kids to scuba dive so I can make u/w movies with them is going to be in the budget!

But I have confidence in their abilities. They will know the things that work best, and I just have to provide a framework.

So, Im going back to school to be taught by a bunch of kids about technology - and I cannot wait.

I hope you have a beautiful Easter.



2011-04-23 @ 08:17:00

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