
En kära kollega till mig, har delat med sig följande text,
som varit hennes motivation sedan hon var ett barn.
Det är mycket bra ord.

If you think you are beaten, you are

If you think you dare not, you don´t

If you like to win, but don´t think you can´t
It´s almost certan you won´t.

If you think you´ll lose, you´ve lost
for out of the word we find
success begins with a fellow´s will -
it´s all in the state of mind.

If you think you´re outclassed, you are
You have to think high to rise

You got to be sure of yourself before
you can ever win a prize.

Life´s battles don´t always gpo
to the stronger or faster man
but sooner or later the man who wins
is the one who thinks he can.

/ Anonymous


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