Lycka dag 4

Det som är roligt med fokus på lycka
är att myten stämmer.

Det man fokuserar på växer.

Idag har jag fortsatt med mitt uppdrag
att fråga om lycka och ju mer information
som jag får av andra människor - dessto
mer glad blir jag för hur mycket bra saker
jag har i mitt eget liv.

När du får människor att berätta om deras
passion och lycka - blir många av dem helt
nya spännande personer och lever verkligen
upp. Jag är tacksam för att det finns så många
engagerade och fina personer runt omkring mig.

Ett av de saker som jag fick veta var lycka
idag är att tvätta bilen. Jag kan inte annat än
att helt hålla med. Efter en tuff vinter då det
varit för kallt för bilen att bli tvättad, så har
den helt plötsligt bytt skepnad.

Min bil var gråvit, ledsen och tråkig efter
den tuffa vintern och med den senaste
tvätten glänser den röda färgen och hela
bilen vill bara ut och åka på vägarna och
visa upp sitt nya jag. Jag kan inte hjälpa
att jag spinner vidare på samma tema.
r det därför som vi har ett sådant stort
behov av förnyelse efter vintern.
Det finns säker en anledning till att vår-
garderoben infördes och att flera personer
väljer att göra större förändringar av sig
själva på våren och hösten.
Vad tror du?

Postat av: Duncan

When you look around at other people, if you have the time and the thought, do you often wonder, "who are you, and what story do you have for me?"

The weather is bad, you had a lousy first cup of coffee as the milk was bad, the car, clean or not, wouldn't start, and you had to get the bus with all the other sardines, stuffed tightly in the tin-can.

We dont make eye contact. We are embarrassed that we are so close to someone else that our personal space has been invaded, and that we are invading someone else's.

You look with envy at the guy sat down near you, with his big coat, and his big newspaper and his big "space", while you are standing next to someone who has not showered in a few days, and their personal hygiene is an issue.

Then the bus takes forever to get to work. The driver has had an argument with his wife, coming to work, and he is driving without care. Making the rest of the passengers miserable.

Except the guy sat down, with his big elbows and his big shiny shoes, tied so precisely.

Then there is a traffic jam. The bus stops at a red light. The light takes forever to change to green and then, even when it does, the bus doesn't move.

The passengers on the bus, look nervously at their watches and you shift your weight from your left to your right foot.

At that moment, the person next to you does the same and you accidentally brush an intimate part of their body!

The embarrassment! But neither of you will make eye contact, for you to apologise and for her to accept it.

It seems the walls are closing in, and you are now afraid to move in any direction. You are feeling anxious and nervous, and you look, and he is still sat there, with his big knotted tie, and his big watch, ticking as loudly as a Grandfather clock.

Just as you think that you are going to spend eternity in the sardine tin-can, the bus lurches to a stop and the packed crowd surge forward.

You get swept along with them towards the open door and you finally get spat out of the door and onto the street.

Into the pouring rain and the wind, trying to blow your coat from you.

.. and you stop. You stare and you breathe in. Life is much better now you are free. You can taste the carbon-monoxide in the air, but it is not a problem.

You see a large seagull land lightly on a street lamp and then as the guy with the big everything walks by, the seagull gives him something else that's big.

.. and you smile.

Its all about perspective.

You know, its going to be a beautiful day.

Goodnight sweet hostess .. its time for me to end my day of studies and learning.


2011-03-11 @ 00:09:28

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